You Are Not Alone Support Group


YANA is a support group led by Jenny Morrow (a fellow loss mom), for parents just like you, who have experienced the loss of a child either by miscarriage, stillbirth, or newborn death. If you would like to talk with other parents who understand what you're experiencing and have walked a similar road, please join us.

We meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7pm EST via Zoom.

Our meetings last about an hour and half and we invite you to come as you are.  You are welcome to participate as much or as little as you like - some find it helpful just to listen in and others relish the opportunity to share freely and openly about their baby(ies) without judgement.  YANA is low pressure and here to meet you where you're at - full of loving parents who relate to your heartbreak.

For more information on joining our next meeting, please complete the form below and Jenny will be in contact with you.

Join Our Support Group

Get notified prior to our next meeting.

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